torsdag 23 juni 2016


I'm the the project administrator of the feyliDNAproject.  A genetic project whose primary aim is to test members of the Feyli tribes from Ilam, to publish DNA results regarding feylis, and to collaborate with other independent projects and genetic bloggers, and to raise interest and encourage members of the feyli community to test themselves with commercial, easy to use platforms, such as 23andme.

Until recently, there was very little genetic data,  pertaining to feylis and south-western iranian groups in general. This project is one stepping stone in the effort of mapping the genetic variation of the vastly understudied areas of SW-iran.


In this blog, besides publishing the DNA results from the 7 purchased kits,  we will also be exploring phylogenetic connections of feylis, and collaborate and participate in other projects.

FeyliDNAproject is entirely self-funded and community driven. The 7 kits were purchased by the project creator.

As a large part of the feyli community and many of the members of the feyli community are located in sweden, I will also be writing in swedish.

Should you want to publish anything related to the feylidnaproject, such as results, data, please do contact me beforehand. In keeping with respect to the projects integrity and property. Should you have any inquiries, pertaining to the project, publishing project data, feyli history, or any general inquiries. You can contact me via the official email adress at: